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Remote Learning

Woodlea School is committed to working in close partnership with families and recognises each family is unique. Because of this, remote learning may look different for different families in order to suit their individual needs.

Where possible, it is beneficial for young people to maintain a regular and familiar routine. Woodlea Primary School would recommend that each ‘school day’ maintains structure We would encourage parents to support their children’s work, including finding an appropriate place to work and, to the best of their ability, support pupils with work encouraging them to work with good levels of concentration.

Every effort will be made by staff to ensure that work is set promptly. Should accessing work be an issue, parents should contact school promptly and alternative solutions may be available. These will be discussed on a case-to-case basis. All children sign an ‘Acceptable Use Policy’ at school which includes e-safety rules. This applies when children are working on computers at home.

You can view our remote learning policy and our parent/carer's appendix by clicking the links.

Self-Isolating during a normal school week

Remote learning will be shared with families when they are absent due to COVID-19 related reasons. Children unable to attend school will follow the ‘in school’ curriculum and learning activities as closely as possible. Resources will be shared on the website. 

For those self-isolating, lessons will consist of:

Remote Curriculum during local or national lockdown

The aim of our home learning provision is to:

  • be as close to our school learning as possible
  • deliver a broad balance of subjects, supported and independent work
  • be manageable at home
  • support feedback and connection between school and home through different learning platforms. 

Learning will be provided on the class pages of the website.

During local or national lockdown, lessons will consist of:

Frequently Asked Questions:

Will my child be taught broadly the same curriculum as they would if they were in school?

We teach the same curriculum remotely as we do in school wherever possible and appropriate. However, we have made some adaptations in some subjects. For example:

  • Some practical activities (for example, experiments in science lessons) may not be able to be taught in the same way. We will adapt our lessons accordingly, and where possible, we will provide ideas for practical activities to try at home.
  • We will not be able to provide PE lessons in the same way. We will instead provide activities for all age groups on how children can remain active at home.

If my child does not have digital or online access at home, how will they be supported to access remote education?

We recognise that some pupils may not have suitable online access at home. We are committed to supporting all pupils to be able to continue their education remotely.

If your child does not have access to a suitable device (e.g. a laptop or tablet) to access home learning, or is sharing a device with more than one other person, or you do not have suitable internet access at home, please contact the school at to discuss this in confidence. The school will do what it can to help.

We may provide:

  • School equipment: a laptop, tablet, or dongle (to enable internet connection). You will be asked to complete an agreement form.
  • Government laptop scheme: The government is providing laptops for disadvantaged children who do not have access to a device, and whose face-to-face education is disrupted because of closures, or because they have been advised to shield.
  • Government internet connection scheme: Families may be able to benefit from free increases to their mobile data if they’re a customer of EE, Three, Sky Mobile, SMARTY, Tesco Mobile or Virgin Mobile.
  • Accessing printed materials: After exhausting all other options, we may provide Maths workbooks, Literacy support materials and stationery packs to support children’s learning at home. Where necessary the school will provide printed materials.

What are your expectations for my child’s engagement and the support that we as parents and carers should provide at home?

Children are expected to engage with the remote education which is provided by the school in line with Government expectations. As detailed above, this is expected to require around 3.5+ hours per day and will require access to the internet and use of a laptop or tablet for some of that time.

We recognise that supporting children to complete their remote education will be a challenge for parents and carers who must undertake their own work and other commitments. We ask you to support this as much as you are able, for example by setting routines to support your child’s education.

If your child cannot complete the activities every day, you will be able to discuss this with their class teacher. We understand that activities may be completed on different days over the course of each week.

How will you check whether my child is engaging with their work and how will I be informed if there are concerns?

We will use the following methods to check pupils’ engagement with remote education:

  • Weekly individual tutorial/phone calls: Where your child’s engagement is a concern, we will contact you directly. This may involve arranging a phone conversation to discuss any issues.

How will you assess my child’s work and progress?

Feedback can take many forms and may not always mean extensive individual written comments. Whole-class feedback or quizzes marked automatically via digital platforms are also valid and effective methods, amongst many others. Our approach to feedback is as follows:

  • Daily feedback on pieces of work via Edmodo which may include written feedback or voice notes
  • Whole class feedback during class assemblies
  • Weekly tutorials/individual phone calls
  • Guided Reading sessions school cloud

How will you work with me to help my child who needs additional support from adults at home to access remote education?

We recognise that some pupils, for example younger children and those with special educational needs and disabilities (SEND), may not be able to access remote education without support from adults at home. We acknowledge the difficulties this may place on families, and we will work with parents and carers to support those pupils in the following ways:

  • Each pupil’s teacher will know how their needs can be met most effectively, to ensure they continue to make progress, even when they are not able to be in school. We will work together with families, putting in place reasonable adjustments as necessary, so that pupils with SEND can successfully access remote education alongside their peers. These may include additional interventions delivered via Zoom, phone calls to support learning or specific materials delivered to children.
  • Where a pupil has provision specified within their EHC plan, decisions on how this can be delivered will be informed by relevant considerations. Where appropriate and safe to do so, individuals will be invited to access the in-school provision. We will review the services that the pupil can access remotely, for example remote sessions with therapists. The approach cannot be ‘one size fits all’ so these decisions will be considered on a case-by-case basis.