We recognise that it is important for children to be able to recall key maths facts for them to be successful mathematicians. We encourage the children to use a variety of methods to support their calculations and time is regularly allocated for them to practise their skills.
We use the Dragon Maths scheme to support young children in recalling key mathematical facts and using mental skills to perform calculations. It is suitable for pupils in KS1 and pupils in KS2 as a prequel to Rainbow Maths.
Upon completing a dragon type (1,2 &3) pupils will be presented with a corresponding certificate and the achievement celebrated in an assembly.
We do not expect every child to complete each level correctly on the first attempt. The scheme is designed for pupils to spend the time they individually need to practice and gain confidence with particular skills.
The scheme is intended to be challenging and we hope that pupils will face the challenge with enthusiasm. Any extra practise children can get in learning maths facts or using mental skills will really help. Please feel free to print and practise the worksheets with your child/ren.
Pupils will work through each level in turn (they complete every one of the worksheets) focusing on the following skills:
As part of the teaching and learning in mathematics we use Rainbow Maths to develop children's mathematical fluency in KS2. Mathematical fluency is the ability to recall number facts, to know when to use these number facts and to be able to apply these readily to a range of situations. There are certain aspects of maths that children need to be fluent in; children need to be fluent in addition, subtraction and multiplication bonds. This is not an end in itself but so that the children’s working memory can be freed up when tackling other, often more engaging aspects of maths. Knowing these facts enables children to focus upon understanding the concept of fractions for instance or to solve problems.
Rainbow Maths involves a series of steps towards the end of the Rainbow that enable practice and testing on a number of aspects, including number bonds and multiplication tables. The colours are ordered as follows:
The coloured level activity sheets are available for you to print off to practice with your child/children in order to consolidate what they will be learning in school. If you have any questions about this scheme, please do not hesitate to talk to your child’s/children’s class teacher.