Woodlea Primary School is situated in a delightful country setting in the village of Woldingham. The grounds provide a rich and varied environment including lawns, wood, coppice, environmental area and pond as well as the traditional playgrounds.
The grounds are put to effective use for nature and environmental studies. The nearby Glebe offers sporting facilities for team games, tennis and athletics.
The main building is a former country house that has been adapted for school use with the addition of a main hall and cloakroom area. As well as the main classrooms there are three smaller rooms for music lessons and group work including special educational needs and the more able children. The main building also houses the libraries, school office, kitchen and staff room.
Woodlea Primary School
Long Hill
Telephone: 01883 652358
Fax: 01883 6523898
Email: info@woodleatlt.co.uk
Parking around school is always difficult. The most important points relate to the use of Long Hill. There is no parking at all in Long Hill in the mornings. Long Hill is used in the mornings by parents of older children who turn in the turning circle at our walk in entrance lower down Long Hill. If there are cars parked in Long Hill this affects the flow of traffic and causes congestion at the top of the road.
At the end of the day parents may park in Long Hill but only on the school side of the road below the main school entrance. Again any parking at the top end of Long Hill restricts the flow of traffic.
High Drive is a completely private road and no parking is permitted at any time.
If you are visiting the school and require disabled parking, please contact the school office prior to your visit.